#eros marvel
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thena0315 · 7 months ago
No Eternals 2, but I really want to know what happens next with the Eternals
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Really am hoping we get an answer by Avengers Doomsday & Secret Wars
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living-only-for-love · 1 month ago
Open role play
Eros is crying. She's let her walls down and is breaking down in the middle of the garage downtown. She doesn't care if she's wailing but it hurts. Why did this always happen to her?? She never meant to hurt anyone...
@the-winter-smolder-mafia, @thebestmerc-1, @oh-to-be-a-murderer @thatlittleguyfrombrooklyn @stay-out-of-my-mind-hydra @the-barnes-girl
and anyone else!
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eros-ghoulette · 27 days ago
This your man?
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edithdraws · 1 year ago
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Here comes Mr. Mommy Issues
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eros-heartache · 1 month ago
Hearts on Fire
Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes / Helmut Zemo
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2,021
For the prompt: As part of a mission, Bucky and Zemo go undercover and attend a February 14th party. Once there, they both accidentally consume drugged Valentine’s chocolates. Mayhem ensues.
Written for @winterbaron-valentines-event
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thena0315 · 7 months ago
What if Starfox had appeared in Avengers Endgame and was the one who rescued Tony & Nebula instead of Carol?
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year ago
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Dazzler is not amused with the idea of being given a new show with Starfox as a co-star by Mojo. As Dazzler attacks Mojo, this prompts Spiral to defend her boss (or rather "President") of Mojoworld. Since Dazzler had attacked 'President' Mojo in front of everyone, she gets into trouble when she is branded as a terrorist of Mojoworld.
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic #88, 2024
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living-only-for-love · 4 months ago
announcement by Eros
Um, hello others and New York. As some of you know, I am the Winter Soldier's handler. Granted, I was used by HYDRA just as much as my others. But I have decided of my own will to renounce HYDRA. I will live my own life.
And I am releasing @iwasmadetobeasoldier from my control. He is free to live his life as well and I wish him and his family the best.
I will be spending the rest of my life with @stay-out-of-my-mind-hydra, the love of my life.
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logansgaar · 5 months ago
I think...it would be cool if MCU Peter became the permanent avatar of the Other/Ero for the Great Weaver by the end of the Multiverse Saga, since it's sort of been hinted at a fair bit that MCU Peter has a pretty strong connection to the sense/astral connection and already has this link to the multiverse what with being made into a tear in reality that only forgetting him would fix, no one knows who Peter is anymore so he's already basically a cryptid in their universe now why not go all the way, and Miles took his place as MCU's main Spider-Man.
People ask Miles who he's talking to on the odd occasion he's asking Peter for some advice and he just panics "uhhhhh just uhhh some other guy...on the Web."
"you're talking to a stranger online about Spider-Man stuff!?"
"NO! the Other Sp...actually yeah, just the Other."
Cut to Miles and Peter giving each other the stupidest double thumbs up 👍👍 through the webs of reality.
(Also would be a fun way to reference Spider-Verse right back, something about how Miles has always been good with managing multiverse stuff and going his own way.)
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edithdraws · 1 year ago
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This is a Thanos Rising 2013 by Jason Aaron hate blog every day I'm fuming over the damage he did to Thanos' backstory but ESPECIALLY Sui-San. You don't understand her like I do... Anyway this is old art from 2021(?) that I never posted because uhhh idk why lol.
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eros-heartache · 2 months ago
Chemistry and Stuff
Pairing: Peter Parker/Wade Wilson
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Word Count: 625
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Peter has something Wade wants.
Created for
@yearoftheotpevent // January // Sharing Clothes
@fandom-free-bingo // National Relaxation Day (August Card) // Sofa Nap
@fandom-free-bingo // National Friendship Day 9August Card) // Clothing Theft
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burningfudge · 1 year ago
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"Quick in and out. You're used to that, right?"
Ouch, Emma.
But she's a sapiosexual? That explains why she's with Tony. There's no way they won't end up falling for each other by the end of this.
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Okay, I'm all for emmatony now. It's a really odd pairing but they have a ton of chemistry! It's nice seeing Tony smile for once because that man is miserable 24/7. I really loved this issue.
(Please get Rhodey out of jail soon or Carol is going to have to bust down the jail to free her man.)
Invincible Iron Man (2022) #13
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heckcareoxytwit · 11 months ago
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No matter where they try to run, hide or teleport; Dazzler and Starfox are still chased by Mojo and Spiral who launch missiles at them. Then, they teleport to the worse spot where Mojo and Spiral are. Dazzler had enough of those shenanigans and she snatches a microphone from Mojo. It turns out that the microphone is actually the MacGuffin Shard all along. After taking the MacGuffin Shard, the weary Dazzler asks Starfox to get the hell out of Mojoworld.
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic #89, 2024
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living-only-for-love · 5 months ago
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Hi! I'm Eros, but I might be gaining a last name soon-
Um, yes, its true. I used to be the Winter Soldier's handler, but-
I've decided to let him free. He can live his own life as I am living mine.
Friends: @ireallyliketacosokay
Love of my life: @stay-out-of-my-mind-hydra
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Backstory below cut
Eros was brought into HYDRA as a young girl, around 13-14 years old but she was kept in cryo-freeze until she was ready to be trained as the Winter Soldier's new handler after the old one was unfortunately lost in a mission, or so they say...
After meeting with her new ward, she decided to take what little pity she originally had on him and let him free from HYDRA, soon after to be banished for her traitorous action.
She remains loyal to HYDRA even though they have blocked all contact from her.
She still retains control over the Winter Soldier, @iwasmadetobeasoldier
Eros now lives by herself but she is recovering from the HYDRA abuse and mind-control. She wants to maintain a friendship with @iwasmadetobeasoldier.
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logansgaar · 4 months ago
the fact that "Peter Parker is no more...", that the idea of Peter as a person is going to gradually fade away far beyond just the spell, that he's going to detach from being Peter Parker, that he's going to slowly see himself not as Peter at all and lose that sense of identity, in the MCU after NWH is both heartbreaking knowing what a bright, happy little kid he was when we met him
but also really, really dark and cool?? in a "oh my god are they going the Great Weaver route?" kind of way. Is Peter going to shed that mortal tie to the world and embrace what his 616 counterpart couldn't?? since this is the multiverse saga and spider-man NWH really kicked that off, started that ball rolling and slapped Peter right in the middle of it all with Wanda, Strange, America, Loki and Billy and it's so good because the spiders are these guardians of the multiverse and of stories and it's so sickkk it's probably not that cool when has the MCU ever really delivered, we'll always have into the spiderverse at least
not to mention Tom wants Miles to be introduced and wants to hand the Spider-Man baton off?? idk everything about Peter's MCU journey feels like it's leading to the Great Weaver/the Other, maybe Ero (Ero was...odd but I could see them adapting Ero into the name of Peter's GW/The Other alias instead of whatever that was) and leaving the Spider-Man title to Miles Morales
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alex-leweird · 2 months ago
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Mephisto doodle in his "true form" (I was re-reading some Blackheart apppareances and I really like this form of Mephisto)
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